If You’re A First Time Dog Owner, Check Out These 7 Great Dog Foods!

Dog Foods

If you are someone who just bought their first dog and are looking to learn how to take care of it, this post on the 7 best dog foods to consider if you are a first time dog owner is going to help you out tremendously! From learning how to feed your new pooch and […]

Why Does My Cat Lick Me and What Does It Mean?

Cat Lick

Cats have very strong feelings and emotions, just like people do. One way that they express their feelings is through affectionate behavior such as purring, kneading and licking! This means that when your cat licks you, it’s because she loves you and wants to show you how much she cares about you. However, if your […]

7 Reasons Your Cat Is Meowing Constantly

Cat Is Meowing

Have you noticed your cat meowing excessively lately? It might be time to get that cat to the vet and figure out what the problem is! Here are seven reasons why your cat might be meowing excessively, and how you can fix it. Meowing can be a sign of being in pain, being hungry, or […]

Cat Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

Cat Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

Pregnancy is hard enough for humans, so it can be difficult to imagine what it must be like for a cat. The good news is that cats can have happy and healthy pregnancies. The bad news is that their pregnancies are even harder to get through than human ones. Cats are often treated as pets […]

The Top 7 Ways To Keep Your Labrador Healthy And Happy


Labrador retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, and for good reason. They are beautiful, intelligent, and relatively easy to train; however, labs can also be susceptible to certain health problems if you don’t watch out for them. If you want your lab to live a long and happy […]

5 Tips To Get Your Cat To Use The Litter Box Again

the Litter Box

The first thing many people think when they find their cat has peed outside the litter box is that it’s time to get rid of Fluffy and get a new pet. It can be frustrating when you can’t figure out why your cat won’t use his litter box, but don’t panic! There are plenty of […]

The 10 Best Dog Breeds for Families with Kids

Best Dog Breeds

If you’re looking to get a dog, but you have kids in the house, it’s important to know which breeds of dogs are best dog breeds with kids so that you can be sure your family and pet will be happy together. Here are 10 of the best dog breeds for families with kids. 1) […]

How to Choose the Longest-Lasting Cat Litter?

Cat Litter

Cats are great companions to have, but they can be pretty stinky at times. This can be especially true when you have multiple cats, and if you’re not taking care of their litter box, it can quickly get out of hand. Luckily, there are lots of ways to make your cat litter last longer, so […]

Everything You Need To Know About The Persian Cat Breed

Persian Cat Breed

Persians are one of the oldest Persian cat breed, and they’re also the most popular. These beautiful felines have been gracing our homes for centuries, thanks to their stunning coats, elegant looks, and personality to match. Today, it’s easy to adopt or buy your very own Persian — but how much do you know about […]